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Yoga classes in Larnaca

Classes Timetable

  • Lessons are suitable for all levels of experience, whether you are a complete beginner, an intermediate, or a seasoned veteran.

  • All lessons are taught in both Greek & English.

  • Class duration: 90 minutes.

  • Zoom Classes – Meeting ID: 861 9968 4460 / Password to be given upon registration.

  • Individual lessons on request.


Level 1 & 2


Level 1


Level 1 & 2


Level 1 & 2


Level 1 & 2

1st Week of the month


Standing Asanas


The standing Asanas are the basis for all the other asanas and play an important role in Iyengar yoga practice. They bring balance and stability and correct the physical body by providing the basic principles of movement. Standing Asanas enhance body and mind agility and lightness.

Koula Kyriakidou yoga teacher in Larnaca

2nd Week of the month


Forward Bends and Twists


Forward extensions have a calming effect.

They refresh the mind, eliminate fatigue and calm the nerves.

Twisting poses activate kidneys and help eliminate toxins.

Koula Kyriakidou yoga teacher in Larnaca
Koula Kyriakidou yoga teacher in Larnaca

3rd Week of the month




By opening the chest; the backward extensions stimulate the lungs and strengthen the heart. 

The spine becomes more flexible and, with regular practice, the pain in the sacrum and lumbar areas disappear. Those extensions improve digestive system functioning, have energizing effect, and fight against depression.

Yoga classes in Larnaca

4th Week of the month


Restorative Asanas and Pranayama


Restorative Asanas rejuvenate the body. Pranayama regulate the breathing and thereby control the emotional state. Pranayama practice allows lungs capacity increase and their optimal ventilation, calm the nerves as well as stimulate all body systems. 

Yoga classes in Larnaca by Koula Kyriakidou

Every week of the month




Inversions like sarvangasana (shoulderstand) and sirsasana (headstand) vitalize the entire body. They take the weight off the legs and release tension. The reversal of the internal organs causes an improvement in blood flow and gland function. They improve sleep and the ability to concentrate and strengthen the emotional balance.

Yoga classes in Larnaca by Koula Kyriakidou
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