Mani 2022
Flexibility source of power in your journey
“The flexibility we gain in asana is the living symbol of the suppleness we gain in relation to life’s problems and challenges.”
B.K.S Iyengar
Flexibility - great ability and tremendous strength.
All the wisdom of life is hidden there. In this very small word with such immense meaning.
To be able to regain your original shape after an obstacle (or drawback). Keep the trees in mind. They bend yet do not break when a heavy wind blows. If they did not bend, if they remained rigid and unyielding, they would shatter during the first heavy storm. When the wind dies down and the sun shines again, they stand tall and look at the sky again, unscathed. And they constantly reach upwards from the earth, where the light resides.
The Tree Pose helps one to maintain stability in times of difficulty, and even when catastrophes occur. When stability becomes a habit, maturity and clarity follow.
Stability requires balance and balance requires flexibility.
There is a force. The force that bends but does not break. Choose this power. The power of the trees.
Bending breaks the stiffness. If you bend, you will not break. If you tighten it, it will dissolve internally.
When you bend, you can see how you can fall,
but you don't. Bending teaches you about your RESISTANCE...
We are all the same yet also unique. How often have you heard this? Have you ever wondered what makes us unique while being so similar? We are all the same because we are human; we walk, we talk and we think. We are all unique because we perform what we described above in our own unique way.
So there are trees that break in the storms. And those who are flexible, who know how to bend allowing them to revert to their natural shape and STAY RESISTANT. We get to choose which tree we want to be! You get to choose which tree you want to be!
If you climb the summit of a high mountain to see the valley that stretches out in front of you, you will observe the numerous tops of trees that join together to form a big, green carpet. From above, the trees appear to be quite similar and little. Going down to the forest and following the route, you notice that the massive trees that now stand in front of you do not have the similar picture that you saw before, and that each one is unique.
Everyone will undoubtedly have their own story to tell, their branches expand.
They sprout, they disperse their fruits, and when watered, they take what they need from the land
to become stronger. To grow.
However, there are some who are envious of their beauty and work tirelessly to bend them.
Other trees' branches break and defeat them on the ground. Others hold out until the storm passes,
then bloom and spread their fruits once more.
The secret is concealed in their roots, and how profoundly and tenaciously they are bound to the earth in order to exist. And, despite their ordeal, they remain full and powerful, as if no leaf has been displaced.
Trees are robust, resilient, and flexible. They know how to bend and adjust,
they are RESISTANT.