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Yoga retreat to Monemvasia by Koula Kyriakidou, yoga teacher in Larnaca

Monemvasia 2021
I change through the journey of words

“It is through the alignment of the body that I discovered the alignment of my mind, self and intelligence.”

B.K.S Iyengar

What we say and the way we say it creates emotions. Opportunities open up and release strengths.

When words take a dive in our mind they have the power to determine our life. Sometimes they build trust, hope, optimism, other times, they spread hate, fear, rage. Words have an enormous power. They create movements and change reality. The right order and use of them gives us transcendence. It is that transcendence which will finally lead us to change. 

I change, through the journey of words.

BKS Iyengar saw alignment as critical to gaining benefit from yoga. When we find alignment we reap the rewards in terms of physical health and wellbeing, and our minds can quieten more readily.

Straightforward standing poses (such as Tadasana – mountain pose) can help us to notice where we are misaligned, and from there we can work to correct our posture.

Clearly, when we speak, we do not think about every word we utter. But should we?

Should we not only hear their sound but also observe their meaning? After all, do the words we choose to say have a stronger impact on our lives than we think?

The truth is that speech determines the reality around us. Words are the precursor of our actions. Listen and observe your words. How much power they have. Sometimes they disappoint or destroy, sometimes they strengthen and sometimes they fill us with hope and optimism.

One thing is certain - words have the power to change experiences and situations.

So it is time to use your words wisely. 

The subconscious mind accepts as truth whatever you give it. If you adopt positive words, if you change the words you use, you will create new pathways. You will create new ways of thinking. Start right now from this moment on treating words as tools to help you give and take your own personal changes. Something, like a bridge between you and the others. Like a means of processing that aims somewhere.

You change words, you change thoughts.

The limits of my language are the limits of my world.

I Listen. I Observe. I Process. I Choose.

I Strengthen. I Stabilize. I Change.

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